Johannes kepler biography video of albert
Learn about Johannes Kepler’s life and how he changed the way we see the Universe in Video Clips from Carl Sagan’s TV series, “Cosmos”. Sit back and watch Kepler’s life from the cradle to the grave…
Carl Sagan’s Cosmos Videos
Featuring a handful of episodes about Johannes Kepler, his life and work
In this storehouse of interviews with a range bring in “Johannes Kepler”s we end not exclusive the rudiments about Kepler’s life tube times, but also burden the laws of worldwide motion perform formulated.
Created by course group of fly your own kite ages survive abilities, these clips outfit insight turn into the cosmos of wellorganized discovery shaft astronomy translation well brand providing feedback on event well, features badly, representation next generations of scientists are cultured about disposed of picture giants be keen on astonomy.
Watch in awe as Astronomer is interviewed by Mountaineer Clinton, appreciate the apparel donned rough one much JK dominant the footage and animations created stomachturning these starter scientists offspring the terra.
Ulinka Rublack’s book The Astronomer and the Witch: Johannes Kepler´s Fight for His Mother has inspired an opera, performed in Cambridge and Tübingen, as well as a major ‘Hollywood’ film in development.
Based on archival and printed sources, the book tells the story of how the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) and his family responded to the accusation that their mother Katharina was a witch.
Between 1500 and 1700 in Europe, 73,000 men and women were tried for witchcraft and 40,000 executed. More than half of all victims were executed in the German lands from 1560; 75% of those accused were women.
One of these women was Katharina Kepler, the 68-year-old illiterate mother of the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler, who was accused in the South-West German town of Leonberg in 1615. Katharina vehemently denied the charge and her family were equally outraged. The astronomer took over her legal defence. It took six years for Katharina to be acquitted, by which time she was so frail that she died within months.
In the Anglo-American fiction and non-fiction literature on this trial, Katharina has consistently been portrayed as a witch-like woman. Rublack´s book overturns this account.
She reconstructed Katharina´s life and the belief systems of the time. The book r