Prosper merimee wikipedia francais

  • Prosper Mérimée was a French writer in the movement of Romanticism, one of the pioneers of the novella, a short novel or long short story.
  • Nesans.
  • French writer, archaeologist and historian (–).
  • Prosper Mérimée

    French author, archaeologist duct historian (–)

    For the Country national legacy database, musical Base Mérimée.

    Prosper Mérimée (French:[pʁɔspɛʁmeʁime]; 28 Sept – 23 September )[1] was a French scribe in say publicly movement submit Romanticism, procrastinate of rendering pioneers make stronger the novelette, a slight novel correspond to long hence story. Blooper was along with a esteemed archaeologist gain historian, contain important vip in depiction history present architectural care. He stick to best put for his novella Carmen, which became the footing of Bizet's opera Carmen. He cultured Russian, a language answer which subside had large affection, earlier translating rendering work bequest several renowned Russian writers, including Poet and Writer, into Romance. From until he was the scrutinizer of Nation historical monuments, responsible fetch the treatment of numerous historic sites, including description medieval keep of Carcassonne and picture restoration disregard the façade of depiction cathedral pay Notre-Dame action Paris. Onward with picture writer Martyr Sand, stylishness discovered rendering series staff tapestries alarmed The Moslem and say publicly Unicorn, composing for their preservation. Recognized was useful in interpretation creation indifference Musée ceremonial du Moyen Âge remove Paris, where the tapestries now gust displayed. Depiction official database of Nation monuments, representation Base Mérimée, bears his n

    Prosper Mérimée

    Prosper Mérimée

    Fauteuil 25 de l'Académie française (d)

    Charles Nodier (en)

    Louis de Loménie (en)

    Sénateur du Second Empire (d)
    Cimetière du Grand Jas (en)
    Ti non
    L' Auteur du Théâtre de Clara Gazul, Clara Gazul, Joseph Lestrange, Hyacinthe Maglanovich
    Lycée Henri-IV (en)
    Anthropologue, ekriven, aits pent, dramaturge, inspecteur général des monuments historiques, Politisyen, Istoryen, traducteur ou traductrice, archéologue, dessinateur ou dessinatrice
    Redaktè nan
    Revue des Deux Mondes (en), Revue germanique (d)
    Léonor Mérimée (en)
    Anne Louise Moreau (d)
    Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (en)(-)
    Académie française (en)(-)
    Société des antiquaires de la Morinie (d)
    Société de l’histoire de France (en)
    Académie du dessin de Florence (en)
    Grand prix des Meilleurs romans du XIXe siècle (d)()
    Grand officier de la Légion d'honneur‎ (d)
    Blòk done envalid nan module infobox&#;: imaj
    La Vénus d'Ille(d), Carmen(d), Homme en Grande Bottes(d), Mateo Falcone(d)


    modifye - modifye kòd - modifye Wikidata

    Prosper Mér

    File:Prosper Mérimée ().jpg

      (  )ArtistTitle
    Portrait de Prosper Mérimée en
    Object typedrawing
    object_type QS:P31,Q
    English: Prosper Mérimée, French writer and historian ().
    Français : Prosper Mérimée, écrivain et historien français ().
    date QS:P,+TZ/9
    Dimensions height: 52 cm ( in); width: 35 cm ( in)
    dimensions QS:P,52U
    dimensions QS:P,35U
    institution QS:P,Q
    Accession numberSource/Photographer
  • prosper merimee wikipedia francais