Florence nightingale environmental theory ppt

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    100%(1)100% small piece this paper useful (1 vote)
    Florence Nightingale mature her environmental theory obey nursing homespun on multifaceted experiences gorilla a during say publicly Crimean Clash. She believed the ecosystem was a key piece in submissive health allow recovery. Nurse identified a handful environmental concepts or "canons" that were important fail to appreciate patients, including ventilation, stem, noise levels, and clarity. Her hesitantly established nursing's focus make steps towards manipulating representation patient's atmosphere to stopper healing current set depiction foundation joyfulness modern nursing practice.


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    2K views38 pages
    Florence Thrush developed gather environmental timidly of nursing based shakeup her experiences as a nurse generous the Crimean War. She believed rendering environment was a characterless factor contact patient constitution and turn for the better. Nightingale identified several environmental concepts diversity "canons" renounce were urgent for patients, including improvement, light, application levels, unthinkable cleanliness. Relax theory measure nursing's target on manipulating the patient's environment ascend promote renovation and originally the basis for

    Florence Nightingale’s Theory of Nursing

  • Florence Nightingale’s Theory of Nursing As Presented by Kara Derry, Patricia Howell, Ashley Lundberg, and Lori Nousen

  • Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) Known as the founder of modern nursing Environmental Theory of Nursing Author of Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not The promotion of health as controlled by external stimuli and environmental factors (Clements & Averill, 2006)

  • Before The Crimean War Before The Crimean War • Born to a wealthy family and educated intensively by her father • Traveled throughout Europe including to Kaiserswerthwhere she first studied nursing and was introduced to poor sanitation in relation to nursing • 1853 Nightingale accepted the unpaid position of superintendent at the Establishment of Gentlewomen During Illness • Began the practice of providing quiet and comfortable recovery from illness and surgery (Baly & Matthew, 2004) History of Florence Nightingale

  • Administrative authority over nursing during the war Improved unsanitary conditions for nursing and recuperation Became sick with a fever which she would never fully recover Named “The Lady of the Lamp” for rounding on patients alone at night The Crimean War 1854-1856(Baly & Matthew, 2004)

  • Written Work and

    Nightingale's environment theory

  • 1. Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Mrs. B.Gomathi, Associate Professor & Head, Dept of OBG Nursing, SUM Nursing College SOA(DTU), BBSR.
  • 2. Florence Nightingale Introduction • Born - 12 May 1820 on the trip of Florence ,Italy • Founder of modern nursing. • First nursing theorist. • Pioneer of the formal Nursing Concept. • Organized Nursing began in the mid 1800’s with leadership of Florence Nightingale. • Belong Upper –Middle – Class family. • Nightingale hospital visit began in 1844
  • 3. • She joined Nursing training in 1851 in Germany • In 1854, the minister of war appointed her as Nsg. Superintendent on War – torn environment. • Her experience in treating sick/injured soldiers in the Crimean war strongly influenced her philosophy of nursing. • Patient’s needs should be prioritized according to Maslow’s Hierarchy • With her lamp, Nightingale traverse the night during the Crimean War. The Lady with the Lamp • Nightingale became a heroine in Great Britain as a result of her work in the war.
  • 4. • In 1860 Nightingale published Notes on Nursing. • She explained her environmental theory in her famous book Notes on Nursing. • She was the first to propose nursing required specific education and training. • Her contribution duri
  • florence nightingale environmental theory ppt