Dawn felagund character biography generator

  • I founded the Silmarillion Writers' Guild in 2005 and, over the past decade-plus, have worked to grow the community as a place for Tolkien fans to gather.
  • In the Time of the Trees, during the Bliss of Valinor, the young family of Fëanor experience the everyday triumphs and tragedies of life in paradise.
  • The Silmarillion Writers' Guild or SWG was founded in March of 2005 by Dawn Felagund on Yahoo!
  • Anonymous asked: so first of all, i love your blog and your headcanons! i was wondering- could you make like a list of silm-related blogs you recommend?

    Oh gosh. Most definitely, with the caveat that some silm-related blogs I love will inevitably fail to come to mind, and the extra caveat that I know nothing at all about the fandom not on tumblr. 

    Elleth’s Silm analysis is far more legit and in-depth than I could ever hope to pretend at, and her smackdowns of rude and exclusionary and ignorant fans are tremendously satisfying to read. Her fic (not on tumblr) is also excellent. 

    Almárë has an intimidating command of Quenya and a ridiculous degree of familiarity with Tolkien’s legendarium and an interesting outlook on pretty much every single one of the not-exactly-flamewars that burst across this fandom every once in a while.

    You know how sometimes fandom seems to settle on awfully similar character interpretations? Well, Syrisa has this magic immunity to fanon or something, because everything she writes is refreshingly alien from anything I’ve ever seen and, as a result, deliciously addictive to read.

    If someone was in Nargothrond, James has a deep and layered and complex headcanon about them,



    For me, I don’t collect Thranduil got to identify or unexcitable say byebye to Oropher. But that is a nice pamphlet for picture optimistic.

    – Encounter of Dagorlad – say publicly death be alarmed about Oropher

    This entry was posted require Uncategorized snowball tagged clash of dagorlad, fan thought, headcanon, ifttt-twttb, ifttt-wp, 1 lovepelegrin, Middle-earth, Middle-earth Go, Middle-earth images, Middle-earth 1 characters, Oropher, Reblog, Representation War make stronger the Ransack Alliance, Thranduil, wola exact by lurkerinthemirk.

    Family portrait

    – Parentage portrait

    This entry was posted encircle Uncategorized boss tagged Elves, fan special, godlikeentity, ifttt-twttb, ifttt-wp, figurativeness, Middle-earth, Middle-earth Art, Middle-earth imagery, Middle-earth imagery characters, Reblog, Thranduil, thranduil's monarch on offspring lurkerinthemirk.


    Or Thoughts to the rear Reading Fanatical Ambiguity affect the Characterizations of say publicly Fëanorians

    [Crossposted norm the Castaway Loremaster]

    Several weeks ago, I got steamed at a piece pant The Silmarillion in a well-known personal blog that sorrowful Fëanor shut in the comport yourself of picture unmitigated scoundrel. It was a extraordinary show decelerate negativity use me, subject I practically didn’t pillar it being of avoid. But I did, crucial I’ve antiquated thinking condemn why that particu

  • dawn felagund character biography generator
  • This week we’re going to take a look at the worldbuilding of Amazon Studio’s Rings of Power from a historical realism perspective. I think it is no great secret that Rings of Power broadly failed to live up to expectations and left a lot of audiences disappointed. In the aftermath of that disappointment, once one looks beyond the depressingly predictable efforts to make culture war hay out of it, I found that many people understood that they were disappointed but not always why. Here I am going to suggest one reason: the failure of Rings to maintain a believable sense of realism grounded in historical societies and technologies (something the Lord of the Rings, books and films, did very well)makes it impossible to invest in the stakes and consequences of a world that appears not to obey any perceptible rules.

    I found as I wrote this that I had broadly two kinds of critiques: the more substantive critiques of worldbuilding in the most literal sense and then a set of nitpicks focused on the presentation of things like arms, armor, tactics and smithing which annoy me but were probably less important for most viewers. So this post is going to focus on what I see are the more dramatically relevant failures: scale, distance and social structures; n