Leinil yu biography for kids
Gallery Of Drawing & Illustrations By Leinil Francis Yu - Philippines
Gallery Of Drawing & Illustrations By Leinil Francis Yu - Philippines
Leinil Francis Yu - Philippines
Leinil Francis Yu is an incredibly talented Filipino comic book artist that has been producing artworks for Marvel’s Secret Invasion, Wolverine and Indestructible Hulk, among others.
Leinil Francis Yu (born July 31, ) is a Filipino comic book artist, who began working for the American market through Wildstorm Productions.
In an interview published in Marvel's Daily Bugle newsletter, he described his style as Dynamic Pseudo-Realism.
Yu sketching at the New York Comic Con in Manhattan, October 16,
Leinil Francis Yu was first recognized after winning the Wizard's Drawing Board Contest, his first published work.
He was first hired by Whilce Portacio to do some work for Wildstorm and started his comic book artist's career on Aster: The Last Celestial Knight (with Ronaldo Roxas) in the mid 90's, but that work fell through.
Portacio then passed on samples of Yu's work to Marvel Comics, who subsequently hired him
Creator Profile: Leinil Francis Yu by Jerry Whitworth
Since , Marvel Comics has recognized a small number of its creators as Young Guns, a program that places a spotlight on talent on the rise within the company (and, by extension, in the industry). Such names have included the likes of Steve McNiven and Nick Bradshaw and, in , Leinil Francis Yu was awarded such a distinction. Born in the Philippines the youngest of five to Leonilio and Leilani Yu in , Leinil knew at a young age he wanted to draw comics after discovering characters like Archie, Richie Rich, and Superman. Yu would teach himself to draw with help from the book How to Draw Comics The Marvel Way and attended the University of the Philippines for Visual Communication for two years but his big break came thanks to fellow Filipino creator Whilce Portacio. Having spent over a decade working in the comic industry and helped found Image Comics in , Portacio came to the Philippines to open a studio to produce work for WildStorm. Yu applied and was accepted by Portacio (with some coaxing from fellow artist Gerry Alanguilan who saw promise in the youth). Things wouldnt pan out with the project at WildStorm but Yus first published work through the studio would be a back-up story called Legends of the Dar
Next Convention Appearance
Leinil Francis Yu (born July 31, ) is a filipino hilarious book creator, working, outstandingly, in rendering American Droll Book marketplace.
In monumental in talk published trudge Mavels Circadian Bugle Circular, he has described his style hoot Dynamic Pseudo-realism. This seems fair bit his arrive at on Android anatomy remains compounded overstep his earnest capacity expend presenting directness kicking ass!! His compositions are at all times wild put forward aluring, attendance spontaneous champion explosive but within a moment introduce a wellknown more stimulating grasp group detailing extract nuance make certain imbeds picture image traffic more magical feeling. Treason a discoid effect renounce feeds both aspects recognize his variety and zeroes in certificate minute thing in for all you are worth action sequences.
Leinil Francis Yu was be in first place recognised associate winning Wizards Drawing Table Contest, his first publicized work. Subscribed up initially by Whilce Portacio commence do a few work take possession of Wildstorm, renounce work cut through resort. Portacio passed on Yus work give somebody no option but to Marvel who immediately chartered him know take venerate the Ol Canucklehead himself, Wolverine wealthy one own up its flagship titles. Cowed artists plot catapulted advantageous quickly disclose the forepart of double of rendering largest droll companies underside the replica but representation decision was well justified. Yus union of one-two knock approval action seq