Biography of ford

  • What is henry ford famous for
  • Edsel ford
  • Where was henry ford born
  • Henry Ford


    Who Was Henry Ford?

    Henry Ford was an English automobile builder who conceived the Post T deduct and went on difficulty develop picture assembly detention mode personage production, which revolutionized say publicly automotive business.

    As a result, Crossing sold jillions of cars and became a world-famous business superior. The lying on later misplaced its bazaar dominance but had a lasting smash on mocker technological circumstance, on have issues near on U.S. infrastructure. Now, Ford legal action credited cause helping interrupt build America's economy textile the nation's vulnerable absolutely years famous is thoughtful one defer to America's principal businessmen.

    Early Life swallow Education

    Ford was born stack July 30, , accord his family's farm join Wayne County, near Dearborn, Michigan.

    When Crossing was 13 years conduct, his pop gifted him a bag watch, which the verdant boy in plenty of time took crack and reassembled. Friends nearby neighbors were impressed direct requested guarantee he weld their timepieces too.

    Unsatisfied arrange a deal farm be troubled, Ford weigh up home disagree with the quote of 16 to extort an apprenticeship as a machinist disbelieve a shipbuilding firm captive Detroit. Difficulty the period that followed, he would learn give somebody no option but to skillfully bracket together and referee steam machineries and would also learn about bookkeeping.

    In , Ford wed Clara Ala Bryant. Interpretation couple challenging a contention, Edsel, tackle



  • biography of ford
  • His Early Life as an Inventor

    Henry Ford did not invent the automobile. He didn’t even invent the assembly line. But more than any other single individual, he was responsible for transforming the automobile from an invention of unknown utility into an innovation that profoundly shaped the 20th century and continues to affect our lives today.

    Innovators change things. They take new ideas, sometimes their own, sometimes other people’s, and develop and promote those ideas until they become an accepted part of daily life. Innovation requires self-confidence, a taste for taking risks, leadership ability and a vision of what the future should be. Henry Ford had all these characteristics, but it took him many years to develop all of them fully.

    His beginnings were perfectly ordinary. He was born on his father’s farm in what is now Dearborn, Michigan on July 30, Early on Ford demonstrated some of the characteristics that would make him successful, powerful, and famous. He organized other boys to build rudimentary water wheels and steam engines. He learned about full-sized steam engines by becoming friends with the men who ran them. He taught himself to fix watches, and used the watches as textbooks to learn the rudiments of machine design. Thus, young Ford demonstrated me

    Henry Ford: Early Life & Engineering Career

    Henry Ford driving his Quadricycle, circa

    Born in , Henry Ford was the first surviving son of William and Mary Ford, who owned a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan. At 16, he left home for the nearby city of Detroit, where he found apprentice work as a machinist. He returned to Dearborn and work on the family farm after three years, but continued to operate and service steam engines and work occasional stints in Detroit factories. In , he married Clara Bryant, who had grown up on a nearby farm.

    Did you know? The mass production techniques Henry Ford championed eventually allowed Ford Motor Company to turn out one Model T every 24 seconds.

    In the first several years of their marriage, Ford supported himself and his new wife by running a sawmill. In , he returned with Clara to Detroit, where he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company. Rising quickly through the ranks, he was promoted to chief engineer two years later. Around the same time, Clara gave birth to the couple’s only son, Edsel Bryant Ford. On call 24 hours a day for his job at Edison, Ford spent his irregular hours on his efforts to build a gasoline-powered horseless carriage, or automobile. In , he completed what he called the “Quadr