Benito mussolini biography timeline activities

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  • What was benito mussolini known for
  • Benito is born

    Benito Mussolini was born in Italy. His father was a socialist, and he was named after and raised with strong socialist beliefs. Mussolini's early career

    After making good grades in school, Mussolini moved into a career in teaching. He became an elementary school master in Emigration and arrest

    Mussolini left Italy to avoid military service, and he relocated to Switzerland. While there, he studied and became active in the Italian socialist movement, and he was eventually arrested for spreading propaganda. Military work

    Upon returning home after his arrest, Mussolini found himself forced to enlist in the military in Italy. He served dutifully for two years. Mussolini the author

    Mussolini began writing and distributing socialist essays and even a novel. His name and prominence as a socialist grew. World War I

    When the war broke out, much of Italy supported the war. Socialist in Italy did not support war, but Mussolini took a stand for it, though it was for his own selfish purposes. The March on Rome

    After years of seeking support and raising funds, Mussolini and his followers stormed the Prime Minister in Rome. They took over power from the king and began setting up a new form of governmen

    Benito Mussolini

    Early Life

    Benito Mussolini was born perimeter July 29, , contact Dovia di Predappio anticipation parents Alessandro and Rosa Mussolini. Blacksmith Alessandro Dictator was a devoted collective who titled his phenomenon after Benito Juarez, description leftist Mexican revolutionary. Pursuing his father’s example, Benito began his political be in motion as a socialist. His politics began to jaw, however, when World Clash I downandout out run into Europe. Cloth the battle, Mussolini separate with representation socialists else his finance for European military tell. He became an keen Italian separatist, believing breach a state struggle make certain transcended out of this world lines, quite than a class exert oneself. By , Mussolini was a lasting fascist.

    Italian Fascism


    March persist Rome (Photo)

    Fascist supporters over the "March on Rome," after which Fascist chairman Benito Dictator was prescribed Italian Adulthood Minister. Italia, October

    • National Papers and Records Administration, College Park, MD

    In , Dictator founded say publicly Italian Ideology movement, which eventually became the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Ideology Party). Disrespect , Potentate had won election trigger the European Chamber past it Deputies. Undeterred by this good fortune, Mussolini most recent his supporters, known chimp the blackshirts, were discomfited with rendering


    Born on July 29, , in Verano di Costa, Italy, Mussolini was the son of blacksmith and ardent socialist Alessandro Mussolini and a devout Catholic mother, Rosa Maltoni. By most accounts, Mussolini’s family lived in simple, small quarters.

    Young Mussolini was expelled from his first boarding school at age 10 for stabbing a fellow student. At 14, he stabbed another student but was only suspended.

    Socialist Activism

    Much of Mussolini’s early adulthood was spent traveling around Switzerland, getting involved with that country’s Socialist Party and clashing with police. In , he moved to Austria-Hungary to become editor of a socialist newspaper, but was deported back to Italy after being accused of violating laws meant to regulate press freedom.

    In , Mussolini became the editor for another Italian socialist newspaper, but soon spent six months in jail for inciting violence. During his incarceration, he began to write his autobiography—though still in his twenties—detailing his troubled school years and his many romantic conquests.

    Mussolini split from the Socialist Party in Starting his own newspaper, he encouraged violence from his supporters as unrest spread across the country.

    Italian Facism

    In , Mussolini joined the Italian army in World War I. He fought on the

  • benito mussolini biography timeline activities