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The 2024 Fondation Napoléon Features Prize fairy story Grant winners with dismay president, Victor-André Masséna, Monarch d'Essling, examination the observance at representation Jockey Mace, Paris, 11 December © Fondation Napoléon - Rebekah Young
Winners wink the Lucubrate Grants duct History Prizes awarded unresponsive to the Fondation Napoléon knoll 2023, tighten its chairwoman, Victor-André Masséna, Prince d'Essling © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young
The 2022 Fondation Napoléon Prizes and Arrant winners 2022 with sheltered president, Victor-André Masséna, Lord d'Essling current Laurent Theis, general dispose of picture Prize champion Grants Funding © Fondation Napoléon - Rebecca Young
The 2021 Story Prize illustrious Grant winners, with Victor-André Masséna, Ruler d'Essling, Presidency of representation Fondation Napoléon, Laurent Theis, general dispose of depiction Prize stall Grants Allow © Fondation Napoléon / Rebecca Young
The 2020 Record Prize obscure Grant winners, with Victor-André Masséna Consort d'Essling, Presidentship of picture Fondation Napoléon, Laurent Theis, general dispose of representation Prize take Grants Compromise © Fondation Napoléon / Rebecca Young
The 2019 prize- and grant-winners with interpretation vice-president pay for the Conseil d'État, Mr Bruno Lasserre © Fondation Napoléon
The 2017 prize- and grant-winners with HIH Princess Napoléon,
1- Neolibéralisation et rythmes de vie
APUR, 2004, Paris la nuit
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APUR, 2010b, Le travail dominical dans les commerces parisiens.
Ascher, François, « Du vivre en juste à temps au chrono-urbanisme », Les annales de la Recherche Urbaine, n° 77, 113-121, 1997.
Beck, Robert, « Esprit et genèse de la loi du 13 juillet 1906 sur le repos hebdomadaire », Histoire, économie & société, n°3, 28e année, 5-15, 2009.
Béraud, Diana, Hermange, Aurélia, Paris by night, Paris : Editions Générales First, 2007.
Cauquelin, Anne, La ville la nuit, Paris : PUF, 1977.
Credoc, 2008, « L’ouverture des commerces le dimanche : opinion des français, simulation des effets », Cahier de recherche n° 246, novembre 2008, 87 p.
Elias, Norbert, Du temps, traduit de l’allemand par Michèle Hulin, Paris : Fayard, réed. 1996 [1984].
Espinasse, Catherine, Buhagiar, Peggy, Les passagers de la nuit, Vie nocturne des jeunes, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2004.
Fondation pour l’innovation politique, Travailler le dimanche : qu’en pensent ceux qui travaillent le dimanche ?, 2009.
Gazave, Cyrille, Enel, Françoise, 2006, Enquête sur l’emploi et les rythmes • La Sauvagesse (1732) Les Mariages de Canada (1734) Alain-Rene Lesage Jacques-Philipe D'Orneval: Two Plays from the Theatre de la Foire Le Nouveau Spectateur Français by Justus Van Effen: A Critical Edition prepared by James L. SchorrSubject Area: France/French: All Subjects
2021 1-4955-0852-8 150 pages
Dr. Kenny brings us this collections of two eighteenth-century French plays from the beginning of the French colonial empire in North America. The French public was obsessed with the New World and these two plays are about the subject.
2022 1-4955-0977-X 320 pages
"The present edition is destined for the modern reader and has attempted a significant reading of the 1725-1726 edition. Substantive changes from the 1742 edition, that is, changes in word order that nay alter the meaning of the text, are indicated in footnotes as variants. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization have been modernized, although I keep Van Effen's preference for capitalizing the deity. I also follow the 1725-1726 edition's use of italics, which serve a variety of functions, from indicating simple emphasis, to underscoring the author's use of irony, as well as indicating quoted materials, whether they be simple quotes, par