The broadcast century and beyond

  • The Broadcast Century and Beyond is a popular history of the most influential and innovative industry of the century.
  • Now in paperback, The Broadcast Century, Second Edition is a popular history of the most influential and innovative industry of this century.
  • The Broadcast Century and Beyond is a biography of American Broadcasting.
  • Publisher Description

    The Broadcast Century and Beyond is a popular history of the most influential and innovative industry of the century. The story of broadcasting is told in a direct and informal style, blending personal insight and authoritative scholarship to fully capture the many facets of this dynamic industry. The book vividly depicts the events, people, programs, and companies that made television and radio dominant forms of communication. The latest edition includes coverage of all the technologies that have emerged over the past decade and discusses the profound impact they have had on the broadcasting industry in political, social, and economic spheres. "Broadcasting” as a whole has been completely revolutionized with the advent of YouTube, podcasting, iphones, etc, and the authors show how this closing of world-wide broadcasting channels affects the industry.


    Professional & Technical


    Taylor & Francis


    Taylor & Francis Group

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    The Broadcast Century and Beyond  (English, Paperback, Hilliard Robert L)

    The Broadcast Century and Beyond is a popular history of the most influential and innovative industry of the century. The story of broadcasting is told in a direct and informal style, blending personal insight and authoritative scholarship. The book vividly depicts the events, people, programs, & companies that made television & radio dominant forms of communication. This edition includes coverage of the technologies that have emerged over the past decade & discusses the profound impact they have had on the broadcasting industry in political, social, & economic spheres. The industry has been completely revolutionized with the advent of YouTube, podcasting, iphones, etc., and the authors discuss the impact on broadcasting. New sidebars scattered throughout the book showcase the intersections of broadcast history, & colors these events through a social, cultural, & political lens.

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