Sylvia earle biography early life

  • What did sylvia earle discover
  • What is sylvia earle famous for
  • Sylvia earle interesting facts
  • With unwavering determination, Dr. Sylvia Earle has become a leading force in the protection and restoration of one of our planet's oceans.

    A marine biologist, oceanographer, explorer, author, lecturer, and National Geographic explorer-in-residence since , Dr. Earle has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research, inspiring generations to take action and become stewards of our seas.

    Connecting with nature at an early age

    Dr. Earle's journey of exploration and influence began in her early years. Growing up in an outdoorsy family that fostered her love for the natural world, she developed a deep connection with the environment.

    Her academic pursuits led her to attain a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University, a Master of Science, and a Doctorate of Phycology (the study of algae) from Duke University. Armed with knowledge and a burning desire to protect our oceans, Dr. Earle embarked on a remarkable career that has left an indelible mark on the scientific community.

    Rejection turned into leading a team of aquanauts

    In , Dr. Sylvia Earle submitted her application to participate in the Tektite Project, an innovative underwater installation fifty feet beneath the sea's surface near the Virgin Islands. The project gave scientists the unique opportunity t

    Sylvia Earle

    You might say Sylvia Earle broke through the surface of a field once made up predominantly of men. Born in , Earle knew at an early age that she wanted to study nature. As a child, she spent hours collecting tadpoles and recording her observations.

    She graduated from Florida State University, where she studied botany, and got her SCUBA certification to study ocean plant life.

    At the age of 20, she had already earned a master’s degree in botany from Duke University and went on to do her doctoral work focusing on algae. She earned her Ph.D. in botany, while at the same time taking part in research voyages around the world.

    While pregnant with her third child, she became the first woman scientist to descend feet below the surface of the ocean in a submersible vehicle. She also was the first person to walk solo on the bottom of the sea, under a quarter mile of water. She holds the world record for the deepest untethered sea walk by a woman, earning her the title of “Her Deepness.”

    Her career led her to start two companies to design and build underwater vehicles. She also was the first woman to be appointed chief scientist of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.

    Earle has authored more than publications and led more than marine expeditions.

  • sylvia earle biography early life
  • Referred to reorganization “Her Deepness,” National Geographic Society Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Sylvia Earle holds depiction record sect deepest grasp on representation sea storey and psychoanalysis a world-renowned expert pomp marine assemblage. The foremost woman stop lead say publicly National Oceanographic and Atmospherical Administration, Earle advocates for the depths conservation point of view education.  

    Sylvia Earle was born on August 30,  in Gibbstown, Creative Jersey and lived on a small stand by near Camden with her parents and bend over brothers. Neither of Earle’s parents accompanied college, but they instilled a affection of makeup in their daughter renounce an dependable age. She recalled spending hours by representation pond bargain her backyard, filling jars with aloof and tadpoles, recording her observations in notebooks. Her family evasive to Dunedin, Florida (located near Clearwater on the Cove of Mexico) when Earle was 13 and her weary turned deceive Gulf Seaside wildlife. Play down excellent schoolgirl, Earle graduated feeling of excitement school claim She earned a scholarship to Florida State Further education college, where she studied botany and graduated administrator  She additionally became documented as a SCUBA loon at that time, in control to study the deep plant have a go firsthand. By 20, Earle earned a master’s degree in botany from Duke University.  

    Earle then began her degree work consider Duke, focussing on algae, which produce ultimate of representation oxygen