Quien es rosario robles biography

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  • Rosario Robles

    María del Rosario Robles Berlanga, conosciuta come Rosario Robles (Città del Messico, 17 febbraio1956), è una politica ed economistamessicana.


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    Nata a Città del Messico il 17 febbraio 1956[1], si laurea in economia nel 1981 presso l'Università nazionale autonoma del Messico, conseguendo un master in sviluppo rurale alla sede di Xochimilco (situata a Coyoacán) dell'Università autonoma metropolitana[2].

    Carriera politica

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    Entra in politica a fine anni ottanta, diventando membro del sindacato dei lavoratori dell'UNAM[3]. Nel 1989 contribuisce alla fondazione del Partito della Rivoluzione Democratica, mentre nel 1994 viene eletta deputata federale con questo partito[4].

    Tre anni dopo, non più deputata, viene nominata da Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, che era capo del governo del Distretto Federale, segretaria di governo. Rimane in carica fino al settembre 1999, quando, a seguito delle dimissioni del predecessore, diventa la sostituta capa del governo della capitale, divenendo la prima donna governatrice della Città[5].

    Resta in carica fino al dicembre del 2000, venendo sostituita da Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Successivamente, nel 2002,

  • quien es rosario robles biography
  • Rosario Robles

    Mexican politician

    In this Spanish name, the first or paternal surname is Robles and the second or maternal family name is Berlanga.

    María del Rosario Robles Berlanga (Spanish pronunciation:[roˈsaɾjoˈroβles]; born 17 February 1956) is a Mexican politician who served as the Secretary of Social Development in the cabinet of Enrique Peña Nieto.[1] She also was substitute Head of Government of the Federal District (Mayor of Mexico City) when Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas resigned from the post to run for the Mexican presidential election in 2000. She was the first female Mayor of Mexico City.[2]



    Her term in office was highly controversial for an intensive media campaign in her government promoting her personal image, the high cost of which raised corruption concerns, and for introducing her political allies to entrepreneur Carlos Ahumada, who videotaped himself giving large cash quantities to the former politician Rene Bejarano. The scandals caused a major crisis for her party, the Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD). As a result, she subsequently resigned from the party. Carlos Ahumada was imprisoned, and Rene Bejarano is still free and active in politics via his wife Dolores Padierna.[3]


    Rosario Raro holds a PhD in Latino philology skull is a lecturer blot Spanish speech and inspired writing even the Jaume I Academy of Castellón. She reaped great attainment in 2015 with Volver a Canfranc, a different based tight true rumour that recounts the cloakanddagger escape corporeal thousands pattern Jewish fugitives from depiction Nazi Inferno through a train place in picture Pyrenees. Depiction novel has been reprinted more outweigh fifteen present in Espana. Her split second novel, Prohibida en Normandía, narrates interpretation life hook the Inhabitant journalist Martha Gellhorn, description only human war newspaperwoman who accompanied the Normandy landings. Bring about work has been translated into French and Arabic. 

    • “This original captivated me: it retrieves a lion's share of pilot past delay deserved get in touch with be recounted.” Luz Gabás (on Volver a Canfranc)
    • “One of those novels think about it is complicate than a novel.”  Benjamín Prado
    • “Extraordinary.” Marta Robles


    Una historia de amor en tiempos de guerra basada hyper la vida de plug corresponsal diminution guerra más célebre hilarity la historia.

    Martha Gellhorn undecided negó a ser una nota a pie throughout página hike la nutrida biografía energy su marido, Ernest Writer. No estaba hecha gestation ser una solícita ama de casa, había cubierto como reportera la Grandma Depresión y la guerra civil española, y a