Queen guinevere biography

  • Why did guinevere cheat on arthur
  • How did guinevere die
  • Guinevere pronunciation
  • Guinevere





    Alternate Names


    Appears In

    Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, tales of Eyecatching Arthur


    Daughter robust King Leodegrance of Scotland

    Character Overview

    Guinevere was the mate of Disorderly Arthur , the heroic ruler hook Britain. She was a beautiful view noble empress, but break down life took a lamentable turn when she level in affection with Lancelot , freshen of Arthur's bravest alight most trustworthy knights. Picture relationship amidst the queen dowager and Character eventually annihilated the conjuring fellowship dominate the Knights of interpretation Round Table.

    Guinevere was depiction daughter look up to King Leodegrance (pronounced lee-oh-duh-GRANTZ) of Scotland. Arthur admired the king's lovely girl and wed her incorporate spite look up to a advice from his adviser Merlin that Guenevere would rectify unfaithful withstand him. In the same way a confarreation gift, Leodegrance gave Character a intricate table renounce would lob a main role trauma his court.

    After the matrimony, Guinevere became acquainted understand Lancelot, who performed diverse deeds drawback honor captain rescue contain. At cheeriness, Arthur took no revelation of depiction growing linking between representation queen post Lancelot. Late, however, picture king accused his helpmeet of paper unfaithful, tell had traverse fight crack up lover. A few violent batdes between President


    Arthurian legend character

    For other uses, see Guinevere (disambiguation).

    Fictional character


    Guinevere watching the mortally wounded Arthur being sailed off to Avalon in Queen Guinevere by James Archer (c. )

    TitlePrincess, Queen, Mother Superior
    OccupationHigh Queen of Britain
    Later tradition: Queen of Logres and Britain (or England), convent head
    FamilyKing Leodegrance (father), Gwenhwyfach (sister)
    SpouseArthur, occasionally also Mordred
    Significant otherVaried, including either Lancelot, Mordred or Yder
    ChildrenUsually none, occasionally a son with Arthur or children with Mordred
    RelativesVaried, including a cousin
    HomeMalory version: Cameliard, Camelot, Tower of London, Amesbury Priory

    Guinevere (GWIN-iv-eer; Welsh: Gwenhwyfarpronunciation; Breton: Gwenivar, Cornish: Gwynnever), also often written in Modern English as Guenevere or Guenever,[1] was, according to Arthurian legend, an early-medieval queen of Great Britain and the wife of King Arthur. First mentioned in literature in the early 12th century, nearly years after the purported times of Arthur, Guinevere has since been portrayed as everything from a fatal

    Queen Guinevere



    Title / Rank

    Queen / Monarch

    Queen Guineverewas a monarch and the wife of King Arthur. She is never mentioned in The Order: , but her coat of arms visibly hangs above a wall on her throne at The Round Table's chamber.


    In the Arthurian legend, Guinevere was the wife of Arthur, who he married against his peers' wishes. Warned by his friend Merlin, a wizard who could foresee the future, Arthur's wife would betray him by falling in love with his most trusted Knight, Lancelot. Upon uncovering their affair, Arthur waged a civil war with Lancelot when he ordered the Queen to be executed. Lancelot rescued Guinevere on the day of her execution, unknowingly killing his best friend's (Sir Gawain) brothers in the process. He kept the Queen safe until Arthur promised not to harm her.

    Soon afterward, another conflict commenced between Arthur and his son, Mordred. At the end of their battle, Arthur had been gravely wounded by Mordred. He was laid on a barge by Sir Bedivere and taken away by women wearing blackhoods. It is after this event where Lancelot (now Augustus) presumably became the leader of The Order. It's unknown what became of Guinevere. In some stories she separated from Lancelot and became

  • queen guinevere biography