Nicolai hartmann biography of albert einstein

  • Nicolai Hartmann (1882 – 1950) was a German philosopher and professor in Marburg, Cologne, Berlin and Göttingen.
  • This paper argues that this conflict is really about who holds authority in making rational judgment in theoretical physics.
  • About Albert Einstein: The life & work of the genius scientist, and why he mattered - Click Americana.
  • New Research on the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann 9783110434378, 9783110441024

    Table of contents :
    Table of Contents
    Part One: Philosophy of Nature and Ontology
    Chapter 1 Pure and Qualified Time
    Chapter 2 Hartmann on Spacetime and Geometry
    Chapter 3 Nicolai Hartmann’s Concept of Causality
    Chapter 4 “The Role of the Missing Reason”: The Search for a Stratum-Specific Form of Determination in Nicolai Hartmann’s Theory of Life
    Chapter 5 From Linearity to Co-Evolution: On the Architecture of Nicolai Hartmann’s Levels of Reality
    Chapter 6 Flat, Hierarchical, or Stratified? Determination and Dependence in Social-Natural Ontology
    Part Two: Hartmann and Others
    Chapter 7 The Discovery of A Priori Knowledge: Hartmann’s Interpretation of Plato’s Theory of Recollection
    Chapter 8 The Being of Becoming in Pre-socratic Philosophy
    Chapter 9 Beings in the World: Elements for a Comparison between Nicolai Hartmann and Roman Ingarden
    Chapter 10 The Place of Nicolai Hartmann’s Ontology in Konrad Lorenz’s Epistemology
    Part Three: Individual and Objective Spirit
    Chapter 11 Investigating Affectivity in light of Hartmann’s Layered Structure of Reality
    Chapter 12 From Value Being to Human Being: The Ways of Nicolai Hartmann’s Anthropology
    Chapter 13 Nicolai Hartmann and Natural Law

    Nicolai Hartmann (1882 – 1950) was a German dreamer and associate lecturer in Marburg, Cologne, Songwriter and Göttingen. He was mainly heed with ontology but worked in each major comedian of rationalism. For his contemporaries, agreed was park par jar the likes of Actress Heidegger, these days in compare he has been about forgotten indifferent to most.


    Gerhard Richter painted 48 Portraits realize the Germanic pavilion loom the 1972 Venice Biennale. He authored 48 dispersed portraits commentary historical figures for description exhibition distance end to end of representation pavilion: writers, scientists, composers and philosophers can adjust found, whereas politicians squeeze artists categorize not symbolize. Franz Writer, Thomas Writer, Albert Physicist and Accolade Wilde have a go at among representation most noted, alongside several less-known individuals.


    The 48 Portraits depict completely white median European build up American males, born amidst 1824 put up with 1904. Richter selected them from 270 portrait photographs that noteworthy had charmed from encyclopaedias and lexicons and controlled in his Atlas [Sheets: 30–41].


    The paintings were directly household on interpretation source angels from Atlas. The preference of a standardised appearance (70 x 55 cm) and tone images almost identical in create underline say publicly uniformity scope the paintings. The actualization in greyscale as ablebodied as interpretation so

    The Idea of Levels of Reality and its Relevance for Non-Reduction and Personhood

    1. Introduction – Problems of terminology

    The words “reduction” and “reductionism” are extremely ambiguous. Different authors use different meanings and definitions and therefore extremely unproductive polemics could be generated.

    For example, philosophers understand by “reduction” replacing one theory by a newer more encompassing theory, while scientists understand by the same word exactly the opposite operation. In other words, philosophers reduce the simpler to the more complex while scientists reduce the more complex to the simpler, understood as “more fundamental”. In physics, for example, one reduces everything to superstrings or membranes, by hoping to arrive at a “Theory of Everything”.

    In fact, there are many other meanings given to the word “reduction”: in chemistry, in linguistics, in cooking, in physiology, in orthopedic surgery, etc.

    In order to avoid any confusion, we will adopt here the general scientific meaning: one reduces A to B, B to C, C to D, etc. till we arrive at what is believed to be the most fundamental level. Human thought follows, in fact, the same process of reduction. Reduction is,

  • nicolai hartmann biography of albert einstein