Mallemala ms reddy autobiography of miss

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    ‘Sahaja Kavi’ Mallemala no more

    HYDERABAD: Noted producer, lyricist and writer M S Reddy died here on Sunday. He was 87. Prominent figures of the Telugu film industry, politicians and others paid homage to Reddy at his residence at Filmnagar.
    Mallemala Sundararami Reddy, who was born in Aliviri of Nellore district, earned a name for himself in the Telugu film industry for the subjects he selected for producing films.In fact, he was the one who introduced NTR Jr into films through the movie `Bala Ramayanam’. M S Reddy was also credited with the success of actor Rajasekhar as a hero as he did several films with him.
    A few months ago, M S Reddy made news for his autobiography titled ‘Idi Na Katha.’ Though the book was officially released, it did not make it into bookstores because of his no-holds-barred observations against some of the bigwigs of the Telugu film industry.
    M S Reddy was always known to speak his mind, irrespective of whether it pleased people or not, but that was a trait that endeared him to many in the industry. He was also the recipient of the prestigious ‘Raghupathy Venkaiah’ award, instituted by the state government in 2005. The ‘Sahaja Kavi’, as he was known as, Reddy penned lyrics for several songs in Telugu films. He also established the Sabadalaya
  • mallemala ms reddy autobiography of miss