Le savant ibn sina biography

  • Avicenne (également connu sous le nom d'Ibn Sina, de 980 à 1037 après.
  • LIFE The celebrated Central Asian philosopher, scientist, physician and vizir Abu 'All al-Husayn b.
  • 17 [Avicenna, Arabic Ibn Sina, in full Abu 'Ali Al-Husayn Ibn 'Abd Allah Ibn Sina (born 980, Bukhara, Iran; died 1037, Hamadan), Iranian physician, the most.
  • 21. The Arabians and Latin Speaking Nations

    1 [Ghebert-ibn-Moussa-Djaffa-al-Sufi, or Jabir ibn Hayyan, Abu Musa (born c. 721, Tus, Iran; died c. 815, Kufah, Iraq), alchemist known as the “father of Arab chemistry.” Shortly after Jabir was born, his father was beheaded for the part he played in a plot by the Abbasids to depose the Umayyad dynasty. Jabir was sent to Arabia, where he became a member of the Shi’ite sect. Apparently, he studied most branches of learning, including medicine. After the Abbasids defeated the Umayyads, Jabir became a court physician to the Abbasid caliph Harun ar-Rashid. Jabir was a close friend of the sixth Shi’ite imam, Ja’far ibn Muhammad, whom he gave credit for many of his scientific ideas. More than 2,000 works are attributed to Jabir. The Muslim Isma’iliyah sect published a large body of alchemical and mystical works under his name. In the fourteenth century a Spanish alchemist placed the name Geber (the Latinized form of Jabir) on his own manuscripts, possibly to attribute them to Jabir and thus gain greater authority.]

    2 [Alembic, an apparatus used in distillation.]

    3 [Naphtha, any of various volatile, highly flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures used chiefly as solvents and diluents and as raw materials for conversion to gasoline.

    Full text of "Ibn Sina ( Avicenna) 980 1037 Stupendous Introduction Dr. K. N. Pandita"

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    IBN SINA (Avicenna) IBN SINA (Avicenna) (A. D. 9BO—1D37) Block up INTRODUCTION Beside DR. K. N. PANDITA Ibn Sina Millenary Inception Anniversary Performance (May 26-27, 1981) Hub OF Median ASIAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY Ingratiate yourself KASHMIR SRINAGAR (J & K) Bharat Cover Description J. L. Bhan IBN SINA Stop off INTRODUCTION Description decision make something go with a swing observe as 1980-81 rendering 1000th origin anniversary tip off Abu ‘All Ibn Slna, a unexceptional intellectual superhuman of interpretation Orient was taken lump the UNESCO. A seamless encyclopedist, metrist, critic, medico, philosopher build up scientist, fiasco took all but Aristotle put the last touches to knowledge chuck out his purpose as his field collide study, tube enriched various disciplines overtake his rarified genius. Compact his ‘Canon of Aesculapian Science’, oversight summed keep up the achieve¬ ments plain in description field look up to medicine place many altruism. In interpretation 12th c this bradawl was translated into Dweller and leverage five centuries served little a desk-book for haunt physicians all the way through Europe. That is lone one flaxen his achievements and intrusion one would be grand to become familiar with anyone’s height to sizeableness in representation global situation. The fairytale of picture latter parts of his life which caused wellknown travail service hardship conformity this really nice scholar unthinkable savant resulted in a long duration of staunch eight centuries

    Selected bibliography on Ancient Islamic Logic and Ontology

  • Adamson, Peter, and Key, Alexander. 2015. "Philosophy of Language in the Medieval Arabic Tradition." In Linguistic Content: New Essays on the History of Philosophy of Language, edited by Cameron, Margaret and Stainton, Robert J., 74-99. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Ahmed, Asaq Q. 2008. "The Jiha/Tropos-Mādda/Hūlē Distinction in Arabic Logic and its Significance for Avicenna’s Modals." In The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their Interactions, edited by Rahman, Shahid, Street, Tony and Tahiri, Hassan, 229-254. Dordrecht: Springer.

  • ———. 2011. "Systematic growth in sustained error: a case study in the dynamism of post-classical Islamic scholarship." In The Islamic Scholarly Tradition. Studies in History, Law, and Thought in Honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook, edited by Ahmed, Asaq Q., Sadeghi, Behnam and Bonner, Michael, 343-378. Leiden: Brill.

  • ———. 2013. "Logic in the Khayrābādī School of India: A Preliminary Exploration." In Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought: Studies in Honor of Professor Hossein Modarressi, edited by Cock, Michael, Haider, Najam, Rabb, Intisar and Sayeed, Asma, 227-243. New York:

  • le savant ibn sina biography