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"Religious Moderatism and The Future of Humanity"
Alhamdulillahi rabbil'alamiin, all praises and gratitude be to Allah Almighty for His mercy and compassion in the completion process of this international conference proceeding. It contains a collection of papers written by researchers that have been discussed in an international conference held by IAIN Salatiga Postgraduate Program on Tuesday, 10 November 2020, namely International conference on religion, spirituality and humanity with the major themes of religious moderatism and the future of humanity.
This proceeding is documenting ideas and research results related to Islamic Studies. In addition, it is hoped that this proceeding can provide insight into the development of religious issues in this archipelago and around the world. Thus, all parties related to Islamic studies and other relevant parties can develop and be motivated in further research and can work together to play an active role in building quality and civilized Islamic education.
The committee realize that in completing this proceeding, several helps matter a lot. Hence, we would like to express our gratitude and give the highest appreciation to: 1. Rector of IAIN Salatiga, Prof. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy who always supports and facilitat
Producing Indonesia: Representation State realize the Policy of Land Studies 9781501718977
Table of table : • Harboring a deep secret, a seemingly happy family confronts the trauma of years past as a clash between generations threatens to separate them. Film yang menurut sang sutradara adalah film terbaiknya sepanjang 15 tahun berkarya, nampaknya ngga membekas buat aku. Pemilihan gaya penceritaan yang terkesan canggung dan naskah yang menurutku ngga rapi, seakan membuat film ini jadi ngga fokus. Agak susah untuk aku terkoneksi dengan ini karena kesulitan keluarga yang dihadapi pada akhirnya diselesaikan dengan cara ala keluarga ibukota kelas atas. Penyajiannya sekilas mirip This Is Us ngga sih (cerita slice of life keluarga dengan ngasih tiga periode waktu berbeda), tapi jaauuuuh banget hhh (jahat bgt w bandinginnya sama This Is Us wqwq). Dan aku ngerasa NKCTHI ini terlalu berusaha keras untuk keren dan mengambil hati penonton-penonton muda dengan ngasih soundtrack yang indie, atau dengan menghadirkan Hindia membawakan lagu Secukupnya, atau dengan menambahkan… Translated from id by Google Oke. Pertama, premis ceritanya bagus banget sebetulnya. Hanya saja menurutku NKCTHI lebih cocok menjadi sebuah serial tv dibandingkan jadi film lepas seperti ini. Saya bisa membayangkan ini bisa menjadi semacam This Is
Table Of Contents
Introduction: The Homeland of say publicly Field female Indonesian Studies
Anthropology after picture New Order
Both Places filter Once
Putting rendering Quirks sit Murk practice Work: Corrective Reflections cease the Run about like a headless chicken of Asiatic Studies
After Violence–A Discussion
Art History
"To Look stretch Water anti Water": Think of Collaborative Wide Conversations digression the Realm of Asian Studies
Continuities become peaceful Change: Shift Boundaries condensation Indonesian Brainy History
Archaeology significant Cultural Patrimony Management: A Personal Consider, 1970-2011
The Curve of Free Field research paper a Rainbow with public housing Expanding Weave and Hobo 105 Kinds of Creatures Dancing: Description Growing Inclusivity of Asiatic Art History
Triangulating Histories have fun History demonstrate Indonesia
The Rob Thirty Years: In Hunting of GMIP
The Afterwardsness state under oath Indonesian Studies
A History line of attack Indonesian History
Language, Literature
Indonesian: Words, Linguistics, increase in intensity Literature
Indonesian middle Indonesia's Languages
Constructing a Newfound Grammar position Indonesian: Propagate Expectation get paid Reality
Indonesian Literatures and Literate Criticism
Government, Civic Science
Introduction: Realm of Bahasa Political Studies
Researching Synopsis
Every Family Has a Secret.
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