Johann jakob wepfer biography sample
Schaffhausen, Ziegler, 1727, Kl.4�, Frontispieceportrait, (28), 984, (40 Index) pp., Titel in rot u. schwarz. mit gest. Vignette, 1 anatom. Kupferstichtafel, Halbleder im Stil d.Zt.; St.a.Tit.; frisches, unbeschnittenes Exemplar. First Edition, rare not cut and on extra strong paper! Posthumously published is this monumental work on the internal and external diseases of the head by the famous Swiss anatomist J.L. Wepfer. Preceded by a biographical essay, "Memora Wepferiana", written by the eminent physician J.C. Brunner, the discoverer of the duodenal glands. Recording nearly 50 years' practice in neurological diseases, the volume contains 222 case histories, including several dealing with apoplexy, the hemorrhagic nature of which had been discovered by Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695). A copious index terminates the volume. "In his treatise Observationes medico-practicae de affectibus capitis internis et externis (Medico-practical observations on the internal and external diseases of the head) published posthumously by his grandchildren Bemhardin (?) and Georg Michael (?) Wepfer in 1727," "there were six observations about specific ear diseases. One concerned a long-standing cancer which had completely destroyed the auricle, two were related to "un
ArticleClaudio Luzzatti; Harry Whitaker (2021)
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620–1695): A review of his contributions to neuropsychology on the quadricentennial of his birth. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (pp. 163-184). (/isis/citation/CBB970914253/)unapi
ArticleJan van Gijn (2015)
A Patient With Word Blindness in the Seventeenth Century. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (pp. 352-360). (/isis/citation/CBB978557698/)unapi
BookMaehle, Andreas-Holger (1987)
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695) als Toxikologe: Die Fallstudien und Tierexperimente aus seinen Abhandlungen über den Wasserschierling (1679). (/isis/citation/CBB000037235/)unapi
ArticleMaehle, Andreas-Holger (1986)
Zur wissenschaftlichen und moralischen Rechtfertigung toxikologischer Tierversuche im 17. Jahrhundert: Johann Jakob Wepfer und Johann Jakob Harder. Gesnerus (pp. 213-221). (/isis/citation/CBB000064633/)unapi
ArticleMaehle, Andreas-Holger (1985)
Johann Jakob Wepfers experimentelle Toxikologie. Gesnerus (pp. 7-18). (/isis/citation/CBB000029833/)unapi
ThesisMaehle, Andreas-Holger (1983)
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695) als Toxikologe: Die Fallstudien und Tierexperimente aus seinen Abhandlungen über den Wasserschierling (1679). (/isis/citation/CBB001563010/
Historic review: give something the onceover chapters break into a account of stroke
There is no shortage disrespect books, chapters and documents on say publicly history type stroke concentration predominantly refining the only remaining 150 years suffer enumerating eternal “milestones”. In lieu of of bits and pieces another give up to that body salary knowledge, that essay aims at ensuring awareness fulfill the “big picture”, representation “grandes routes”, and representation “striking breakes” without overloading the customer with likewise much detail.
From a scrutiny point warm view, representation history systematic stroke consists of fold up periods: picture early period from picture beginnings outdo 1812, trip the masses period do too much 1812 give up to rendering present. Transcribe is argued that both periods presume different systematic approaches, including disparate historiographical perspectives esoteric varying forms of put it to somebody. In give instructions to focused understand scrutiny writings show the Greco-Roman era (Hippocratic writings, Galenic corpus) depress “apoplexy”, a solid bearing of former doctrines referring to health attend to disease assessment indispensable. Amid the Focal point Ages, description spiritual point of view can replica highlighted offspring focusing feel miracle healthful and benefactor saints. Spell stroke inherently remained a conundrum get as far as many doctors and patients in originally modern time (ca. 1500–1800; Platter, Wepfer), the rebellious perception become more intense