This document discusses the history and current state of social housing in the UK. It describes the different phases of social housing development from prefabs after WWII to new towns under Thatcher. It outlines the introduction of "Right to Buy" in 1985 and the transition to housing associations in 1988. Current home ownership figures are provided. The roles and responsibilities of local authorities regarding housing budgets, unfit housing, renewal areas, and housing the homeless are also summarized.
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This document discusses the history and current state of social housing in the UK. It describes the different phases of social housing development from prefabs after WWII to new towns under Thatcher. It outlines the introduction of "Right to Buy" in 1985 and the transition to housing associations in 1988. Current home ownership figures are provided. The roles and responsibilities of local authorities regarding housing budgets, unfit housing, renewal areas, and housing
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Buildings, ceremony and recollection, Buildings, Patch up and recollection, Remodeling, Safe keeping and regaining, Architecture, Care and rite, Dwellings, Originate and building, Building, Support, Constructions, Momentous buildings, Remodeling for show aggression use, Artefact, Sustainable buildings, General, Dwellings, maintenance cope with repair, Dwellings, remodeling, Amateurs' manuals
United States, Great Kingdom, Germany, Canada, England, Novel York, Different York (State), Arizona, Fire Park Capability (New Royalty, N.Y.), Town, Civano (Tucson, Ariz.), Galilean, Europe, Fès, Fès (Morocco), Hildesheim, Hildesheim (Germany), Borough (New Dynasty, N.Y.), Manitoba, Massachusetts
Liste Londoner Persönlichkeiten
London ist der Geburtsort zahlreicher prominenter Persönlichkeiten. Diese Liste zählt Personen auf, die im Großraum London geboren wurden. Es werden alle Gebiete berücksichtigt, die seit 1965 zum Verwaltungsgebiet Greater London gehören. Dazu zählen neben der historischen City of London auch die County of London, Middlesex sowie Teile von Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent und Surrey.
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