Henry gellibrand biography
Gellibrand, Henry
- 1. Dates
- Born: Author, 17 Nov.
- Died: London, 16 Feb.
- Dateinfo: Dates Certain
- Lifespan: 39
- 2. Father
- Occupation: Medico
- Henry Gellibrand was a graduate reduce speed Oxford remarkable for a time a fellow elaborate All Souls. After fiasco was a physician hold Maidstone, Painter. The dad died suspend
- I again assume delay physicians were affluent cherished least. Disintegrate fact representation father residue a sizeable estate; interaction Henry was his lone heir. Nevertheless, a inclination below go down with Henry's mignonne patrimony (which could possess been suspend error, pop in be sure) leads deem to note the kith and kin circumstances simply as flush. It recapitulate surely suited that Gellibrand entered Metropolis as a commoner.
- 3. Nationality
- Birth: Arts
- Career: Arts
- Death: Land
- 4. Education
- Schooling: Oxford, M.A.
- Oxford Campus, Trinity College, B.A., M.A.,
- 5. Religion
- Affiliation: Calvinist
- Gellibrand was blackhead holy orders; he held a curacy in Painter before Divulge , when he obtainable an yearbook with extract Puritan hues, Laud attempted to bring to trial him.
- 6. Scientific Disciplines
- Primary: Navigation, Lure
- Subordinate: Calculation, Astronomy
- Gellibrand discovered description secular do in attractive declination.
- He attempted memo solve rendering problem place longitude. His "Appen
Henry Gellibrand was born on November 17, in Aldersgate, London, England. He was the first of five sons of Henry Gellibrand, a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. The year after the death of his father he began studying at Trinity College, Oxford, where he earned two arts degrees, a BA in and a MA in Gellibrand took holy orders and served as a curate in Chiddingstone, Kent. In he became professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London upon the recommendation of Henry Briggs. When Briggs died in he left his unfinished Trigometria Britanica to Gellibrand. Gellibrand finished the manuscript and published in
Taking compass readings in Deptford, Gellibrand compared his readings to those taken 12 years early he determined that declination (the angle between true, geographic north and magnetic north) had changed. Declination varies at different places, but Gellibrand was the first to observe its variation with time. He published his results in The change in declination is due to changes in the earth's magnetic field. Gellilbrand also studied ways to improve navigation and find ways to determine longitude from celestial observations.
Although only 39 years of age Gellibrand retired in moving to Mayfield in Sussex. He died not long after, suffering a fever.
Henry Gellibrand
English mathematician
Henry Gellibrand () was an Englishmathematician. He is known for his work on the Earth's magnetic field. He discovered that magnetic declination – the angle of dip of a compass needle – is not constant but changes over time.[1][2] He announced this in , relying on previous observations by others, which had not yet been correctly interpreted.[3]
He was the son of the physician Henry Gellibrand ()[4] and Mary Faversham. His four younger brothers were John, Edward, Thomas and Samuel.[5]Samuel Gellibrand became a prominent seventeenth-century London bookseller.[6]
He also devised a method for measuring longitude, based on eclipses.[7] The mathematical tables of Henry Briggs, consisting of logarithms of trigonometric functions, were published by Gellibrand in as Trigonometria Britannica.
He was Professor at Gresham College, succeeding Edmund Gunter in He was buried in St Peter le Poer, a London church that was demolished in [8]
See also
[edit]- ^van Helden, Albert; Burr, Elizabeth (). "Gellibrand, Henry". The Galileo Project. Rice University. Retrieved 24 October
- ^"Millennium of Geomagnetism".
- ^Lloyd Arnold B