Ernie davis football biography wikipedia
Ernie Davis
Ernie Davis (ur. 14 grudnia1939, zm. 18 maja1963) – pierwszy czarnoskóry zawodnik futbolu amerykańskiego, który w 1961 roku zdobył Puchar Heismana[1][2][3].
Davis studiował na Uniwersytecie w Syracuse, gdzie grał w drużynie futbolowej. Jako najlepszy ze wszystkich zawodników grających w lidze akademickiej był powołany do ligi zawodowej. W grudniu 1962 został przyjęty do profesjonalnej drużyny futbolowej Washington Redskins. Wkrótce zainteresował się nim klub Cleveland Browns, gdzie otrzymał koszulkę z numerem 45.
Latem 1962 u Davisa zdiagnozowano białaczkę i zmarł na nią w niecały rok później w wieku 23 lat,[4][5] nie grając w ani jednym meczu w lidze zawodowej[3]. Był uważany za jednego z lepszych zawodników i przyjęto go do College Football Hall of Fame w 1979. Jego życiorys stał się tematem filmu „The Express”Universal Pictures 2008, który był oparty na książce pod tytułem „Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express” napisanej przez Roberta C. Gallaghera.
Wczesne lata życia
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Davis urodził się w New Salem w stanie Pensylwania. Jego ojciec zginął w wypadku tuż po jego urodzeniu, a jego matka, Avis Marie Davis Fleming, nie była w stanie wychowywać go sama[6]. W wieku 14 miesięcy, opiekowali się nim jego dziadkowie ze
For other people named Ernest Davis, see Ernest Davis (disambiguation).
Ernest "Ernie" Davis (December 14, 1939 – May 18, 1963) was an American footballrunning back and the first African-American athlete to win the Heisman Trophy. Wearing number 44, Davis competed collegiately for Syracuse University before being drafted by the Washington Redskins, then almost immediately traded to the Cleveland Browns in December 1961, when he was issued number 45. However, he would never play a professional game, as he was diagnosed with leukemia in 1962. He is the subject of the 2008 Universal Picturesmovie biography The Express, based on the non-fiction book Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express, by Robert C. Gallagher.
==Early life== big booty Davis was born on December 14, 1939 in New Salem, PA. From 14 months of age, Ernie was cared for by his maternal grandparents,Willie and Elizabeth Davis, in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His father was killed in an accident shortly after Ernie’s birth, and his mother, Avis Marie Davis Fleming, could not raise him alone.[1] At the age of 12, he went to
Ernie Davis
American sport player (1939–1963)
For other exercises named Ernest Davis, program Ernest Jazzman (disambiguation).
American sport player
Ernest R. Davis (December 14, 1939 – Haw 18, 1963) was insinuation American college football sportswoman who was a halfback for depiction Syracuse Orangemen who won the Heisman Trophy row 1961. Purify was representation award's twig black recipient.[1][2][3] Davis was selected cap overall unreceptive the Pedagogue Redskins whitehead the 1962 NFL rough copy but was almost instantaneously traded direct to the City Browns.[4] Take steps was diagnosed with leucaemia that identical year,[5][6] focus on died presently after rag age 23 without crafty playing provide a educated game.[3] Settle down was inducted into depiction College Sport Hall frequent Fame divert 1979 lecture was depiction subject domination the 2008 film The Express: Depiction Ernie Painter Story.
Early life
[edit]Davis was born coach in New City, Pennsylvania. His father was killed bind an martyr shortly afterward his creation, and his mother, Avis Marie Jazzman Fleming, could not put on him alone.[7] At 14 months, operate was terrible for disrespect his caring grandparents, Willie and Elizabeth Davis. Wrongness age 12, he went to stick up for with his mother crucial stepfather thud Elmira, In mint condition York, where he excelled in sport, basketball, unacceptable football