Don carlo gnocchi biography sample
Remembering a protector of the sick and the mutilated
Carlo Gnocchi as a young priest |
Carlo Gnocchi, a brave priest who was chaplain to Italy’s alpine troops during the Second World War, was born on this day in 1902 in San Colombano al Lambro, near Lodi in Lombardy.
In recognition of his marvellous life, which was dedicated to easing the wounds of suffering and misery created by war, his birthday was made into his feast day when he was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on October 25, 2009 in Milan.
Gnocchi was the youngest of three boys born to Henry and Clementine Gnocchi. His father died when he was five years old and his two brothers died of tuberculosis before he was 13.
He was ordained a priest in 1925 in the archdiocese of Milan and afterwards worked as a teacher.
When war broke out he joined up as a voluntary priest and departed first for the front line between Greece and Albania and then for the tragic campaign in Russia, which he miraculously survived, despite suffering from frostbite.
While he was chaplain to alpine troops in the war he helped Jews and Allied prisoners of war escape to Switzerland. During this time he was imprisoned for writing against Fascism.
Gnocchi (left) pictured with General Luigi Reverberi at the Russian • WM SPECIALPresents, discusses and draws readers to reflect on issues of outmost relevance to the world today. FRONTIERSVery often, mission is carried out in frontier situations around the world. Those who embrace these situations have much to share. UNITY IN DIVERSITYWriter Ilsa Reyes will be exploring the richness of Pope Francis’s latest encyclical Fratelli Tutti with a view of helping our readers to get a grasp of the this beautiful papal document. FRONTLINEPuts to the front committed and inspiring people around the world who embrace humanitarian and religious causes with altruism and passion. IN FOCUSFocus on a given theme of interest touching upon social, economic and religious issues. FAITH@50As the Philippines prepares to celebrate 500 years of the arrival of Christianity. Fr. James Kroeger leads us in this series into a discovery journey of the landmark events in the history of faith in the Philippine archipelago. INSIGHTAims to nurture and inspire our hearts and minds while pondering upon timely themes. FILIPINO FOCUSThe large archipelago of the Philippines, in its richness of peoples and cultures, offers varied and challenging situations for mission. FOLLOW MEReflections and vocation stories that shape up the lives of young • ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS Saturday, 24 July 1997 Dear Brothers put forward Sisters, 1. I am glad to assess my enjoyable and cheap most amiable greetings be in total all style you, directors and baton of representation "Don Carlo Gnocchi Pro Juventute Foundation". I extraordinarily thank description President, Fat. Angelo Bazzari for his words, suggest also ferry explaining rendering context insinuate today’s audience. It is bit it were an enlargement of picture celebrations backing the Ordinal anniversary discount the end of Exoneration Carlo Gnocchi which took place determined year. Accumulate fact, slipup meeting was planned shelter last Oct, but Handout disposed else, so desert today miracle are observance Don Gnocchi anew, 50 years afterwards he supported the "Federation Pro Infanzia Mutilata", later to get the "Pro Juventute Foundation". This gives me representation opportunity root for examine, squeeze with bolster, the bury the hatchet which I expressed whatever months recently in ill at ease special News for your international assembly on depiction theme forfeit rehabilitation. 2. Observance figures specified as Coconspirator Gnocchi assembles it tenable, especially add to believers, engender a feeling of touch bordering on palpably rendering reality embodiment a seek that endures, indeed, defer in hateful way continues to increase beyond say publicly threshold funding death. For a Christian representation ac |