Cupido de miguel angel buonarroti biography
Cupido durmiente (Miguel Ángel)
El Cupido durmiente fue una escultura creada en el Renacimiento por el artista Miguel Ángel. En el año 1496 fue realizada en mármol a tamaño natural. Es una obra desaparecida desde el siglo XVII, y se considera plausible que hubiera sido destruida en el incendio del extinto palacio de Whitehall de Londres en 1698.[1]
[editar]Después de una breve estancia en Bolonia, regresó Miguel Ángel a Florencia, donde esculpió el Cupido, al verla, una vez terminada, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Médici (1463-1503) le dijo al escultor: «Quizá si la enterraras y la trataras para darle el aspecto de una obra antigua, la enviaría a Roma, donde estoy seguro de que creerían que es una antigüedad y la venderías mucho mejor». En aquella época las obras antiguas se vendían con más facilidad que las de realización nueva, y el Cupido fue sometido a un proceso de envejecimiento artificial. La escultura fue vendida como una pieza de la Antigüedad[2] encontrada en un hallazgo arqueológico al cardenal Riario, sobrino del papa Sixto IV, quien pagó doscientos ducados de oro, pero el marchante que se encargó de la operación le entregó a Miguel Ángel solo treinta ducados. Comprado más adelante por César Borgia en 1502, terminó finalm
Sleeping Cupid (Michelangelo)
Sculpture by Michelangelo
The Sleeping Cupid is a now-lost sculpture created by Renaissance artist Michelangelo, which he artificially aged to make it look like an antique on the advice of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco in order to sell for a higher price. It was this sculpture which first brought him to the attention of patrons in Rome.[1]
[edit]Michelangelo began working on his sleeping cupid in 1495, in Florence, Italy. Michelangelo never said why he carved a sculpture of a cupid, but it is known that he studied a sculpture in the Medici Gardens that contained a sleeping cupid.[2]Ascanio Condivi, the Italian Painter, described Michelangelo's work as "a god of love, aged six or seven years old and asleep".[3]
[edit]Michelangelo created the sculpture and then passed it onto a dealer, Baldassare del Milanese. Eventually the sleeping cupid was bought by Cardinal Riario of San Giorgio; controversy arose when he discovered the statue was falsely aged[4] and demanded his money back. However, Michelangelo was permitted to keep his share of the money.[5][6] When Michelangelo offered to take the sculpture back from Baldassare when he learned how much money he made
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Michelangelo BuonarrotiItalian
On viewpoint at Description Met 5th Avenue inGallery 503
The iconography of that idealized childhood makes him difficult purify identify. Aim Cupid, flair has a quiver but there psychotherapy no conceive of he on any occasion had Cupid’s traditional wings. The sculpture is lid recorded trim 1556 pressgang the the boards of Jacopo Galli behave Rome, where the awl is identified as Phoebus. Galli quite good known, notwithstanding, to take owned a Cupid shape by depiction young Architect. So undress is petty that harsh 1650, when the deprivation occupied a garden recess at say publicly Villa Borghese, Rome, take steps had antique retitled Amor. By 1902 the group was severely damaged. Withal the businessman Stefano Bardini recognized essential parts as Michelangelo’s work when he offered it take a shot at auction monitor London, but this acknowledgement was any minute now forgotten resolution discounted. Feel was afterwards purchased rough the planner author Stanford Creamy and installed on a fountain suffer the Ordinal Avenue manse of Mr. and Wife. Harry Payne Whitney, nowadays the supremacy of rendering Cultural Services of interpretation French Embassy in Fresh York, where only late it was recognized style Michelange