Biografi pahlawan cut nyak meutia
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Cut Nyak Meutia, also known as Cut Meutia, (born 1870 in Perlak, Aceh – died 1910) is an Indonesian national hero from Aceh.
When she grew into adulthood, she married Teuku Sam Searah. They divorced not long after marriage.
Against the Dutch[]
Cut Nyak Meutia's new husband was Cut Muhammad or Teuku Cik Tunong. Differing from his brother, Cut Muhammad did not obey the Dutch because he didn't accept the colonization of Aceh by the Dutch. Cut Muhammad and his wife worked hand in hand with the Acehnese to fight against the Dutch.
In 1899 Teuku Cik Tunong led a successful attack against the Dutch. In the beginning, the Dutch troops were at a loss in what to do. The following two years, however, Cik Tunong and his troops had not made any movements. The Dutch thought that they might have lost their spirit. Yet in 1901, Teuku Cik Tunong and his troops made a sudden attack and succeeded to destroy the Dutch defense there.
For his success, Teuku Cik Tunong was soon appointed District Chief of Keureutoe by Sultan of Aceh. From 1901 to 1903 Teuku Cik Tunong had been th
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Cut Nyak Meutia was one of Indonesia’s national heroines who fought bravely against the Dutch and who lost her life at th front in Aceh, North Sumatra. Her struggle is closely interwoven with the history of the Acehnese and their fight against the Dutch colonial government. Ever since the Dutch set foot in Aceh the had met with resistance and enmity from the entire population Up to 1871 the authority of the Aceh Sultanate had been preserved and acknowledged by the outside world, including the west But the Dutch had been waiting for an opportunity to crush that authority and to make Aceh part of the Dutch East Indies, like the rest of the archipelago Daud, Cut Nyak Meutia was the daughter of Teuku Ben prominent leader and fighter. It is no wonder that Cut Nyak Meutia followed in her father’s footsteps, because from an early age she fought bravely along with the men on the guerrilla war front. She was married to Teuku Syamsarif, but the marriage ended in divorce because Teuku Syamsarif was sympathetic to the Dutch, and uninterested in the plght of the Acehnese. As a devou Muslim she could not fight as a single woman because that would have been improper. Therefore she married Teuku Cut Muhammad her first husband’s younger brother, who was the oppo
Cut Nyak Meutia
Cut Nyak Meutia (1870 -24 Oktober1910) ialah seorang pahlawan nasional Land dari daerah Aceh di Sumatera.
Dilahirkan di Pirak, Keureutoe, Aceh Utara, Knock out Meutia pada awalnya melawan Belanda bersama-sama suaminya, Teuku Muhammad (juga dikenali sebagai Teuku Cik Tunong). Namun pada bulan Mac 1905, Teuku Muhammad ditangkap oleh Belanda dan dihukum mati di tepi pantai Lhokseumawe. Sebelum meninggal dunia, beliau berpesan kepada sahabatnya, Stitch Nagroe, supaya menikahi isterinya dan membesarkan anaknya, Teuku Raja Sabi.
Cut Meutia kemudian berkahwin dengan Disquiet Nagroe, sesuai dengan wasiat suaminya dan menyertai pasukan yang immediate di bawah pimpinan Teuku Muda Gantoe. Dalam suatu pertempuran dengan pasukan polis Marechausée di Paya Cicem, Cut Meutia dan wanita-wanita yang uninhibited melarikan diri ke dalam hutan. Apprehension Nagroe sendiri terus melawan sehingga akhirnya dibunuh pada 26 September1910.
Cut Meutia kemudian bangkit dan terus melawan bersama saki-baki pasukannya. Beliau menyerang dan merampas kubu-kubu penjajah Belanda sambil bergerak menuju Gayo melewati hutan belantara. Namun pada 24 Oktober1910, Cut Meutia bersama pasukannya bersemuka dengan pasukan polis Marechausée di Alue Kurieng dan gugur dalam pertempuran tersebut.