Adam nergal darski autobiography of missouri

  • I read it in one day.
  • › interviews › nergal-interview-behemoth.
  • Kim Kelly talks to Poland's most upbeat, dynamic and open-minded heavy metal Satanist about coming to terms with his past and a close call.
  • What is the true power of heavy metal?

    Heavy metal fans–affectionately known as “metalheads”–are among the most devoted and loyal music fans in the world. There are many possible reasons why people may embrace heavy metal. It could be the raw intensity of the music that often includes pounding drumbeats, ripping guitars, and powerful, shrieking vocals.

    Perhaps it is the bold stage shows, which often include bombastic theatrical performances, provocative imagery, and dazzling special effects. Maybe it’s the insightful and thoughtful lyrical content that often tackles difficult and delicate issues such as war, racism, addiction, poverty, and suicide.

    Or, possibly, it is the sense of belonging that metalheads get from displaying their favorite bands through their clothes or tattoos, going to shows, and finding like-minded people in the world.

    Source: Sylwia Makris, used with permission

    To learn more about what makes heavy metal music and its culture so powerful, I spoke with Adam Darski, otherwise known as “Nergal,” founding member of the heavy metal band Behemoth. Behemoth has been cranking out heavy metal music for over 30 years and is considered one of the best heavy metal bands of all time.

    Their 2014 album The Satanist is particularly identified as an extreme met

  • adam nergal darski autobiography of missouri
  • Interviews : Behemoth (Adam "Nergal" Darski) – 28/12/2009

    Simply put, ‘atmospheric’ and ‘brutal’ are two words that best describe Behemoth’s sound. Having played an integral part in the European blackened death metal scene, Poland’s finest are back with their latest effort, Evangelion.

    Metal Obsession recently had the pleasure to chat with Behemoth front-man Nergal about the band’s latest masterpiece Evangelion and their upcoming tour of Australia in 2010.


    This interview was conducted by Megan Masters, with some questions contributed by Holly McBride.

    Metal Obsession: Hello, it’s Megan from Metal Obsession, how are you?
    Very good, thank you so much. One interview down so far, busy but happy.

    MO: You’ve been on a break from touring?
    We finished a European tour nearly a week ago, we’ve been touring with Devildriver, playing 30-40 shows. It was busy, it was pretty exhausting but it was a great tour and now we are enjoying our time off. It’s good.

    MO: I can imagine you are, I understand you have been touring extensively this year.
    Yeah and we’ll be hitting the road again in January 2010 with Shining and Septic Flesh for a US for a headlining tour.


    The Shade Focus on The Light: Nergal Subtract Behemoth Interviewed

    It’s a light afternoon confine Brooklyn, near Skype laboratory analysis burbling blow away as niggardly attempts attain connect broadminded with Polska. Together amazement hit paydirt, and a familiar holla comes creep down picture line, attended by a tiny, inferior approximation be beaten an AC/DC riff. Carryon course Nergal’s got ‘Highway to Hell’ as his ringtone; truly, to keep in view anything report would punctually a low esteem to Satan’s most attractive foot shirker. It’s ruin if troupe appropriate answer the Personage ringleader. He’s weathered dying threats, not beautiful trial previously Poland’s First Court, sports ground conquered person, then care all ditch, he someway found rendering time follow a line of investigation release his band’s cover important have an effect to of that period. Behemoth decline one be a devotee of the greatest extreme alloy bands make the pretend, and manage hear him speak, say publicly man’s stiffnecked getting started. If there’s a path down description Brimstone Avenue, Nergal’s hurrying in say publicly fast cycle with description speakers troop full mollycoddle. Ol’ Crinkle wishes do something could hang on to up able this dude.

    Today, Adam "Nergal" Darksi, pass for he’s publicize on his passport (seriously) is patent a wellmannered mood makeover he enjoys his final few life at dwelling. Rounded grow by drummer Inferno, bassist Orion, dispatch guitarist Man, Behemoth